Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Sick Day"

So I took two "sick days" from work this week, but I wasn't really sick... I was more recovering from a bad case of the smash face (that's what Andy likes to jokingly say about my current face situation). I haven't had any days off since I started working back in August, so I tried to make the most of the 48 hours.

Here are a couple of the things I did:

  • I slept in late and drank coffee in bed.
  • Ate at Corner Bakery with my dad.
  • Started to organize my closet (I'll post another picture once I finish).
  • Spent time with my wonderful sister who drove from Austin just to hang out with me!
  • Treated myself to a manicure and pedicure.
A recent gift from Mrs. Rafie.  I love it! I never find the letter "I" on things.

Tomato basil sandwich and lentil soup.

As you can see... there is a lot of work for me to do!

Re-folded all my jeans and organized them by color.  

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What's for dinner?

One of the reasons I enjoy living downtown is because I get to cook in a really awesome kitchen. In fact, it's the nicest kitchen I've ever gotten to use. My dad decided to remodel our condo back in August, and since then I have been whipping up some delicious dinners. For instance, on Wednesday night I made use of leftovers (something I rarely do) and made spaghetti and meat-sauce. I used the leftover ground meat from Monday night's taco recipe. On a side note, the taco recipe is totally easy to make and definitely worth trying! Then I added store-bought tomato sauce, italian spices, freshly cracked black pepper and let it simmer while I cooked the pasta. About thirty minutes later I had a tasty spaghetti dinner! One of many more meals to make, and share on the blog!

And a meal at out house wouldn't be complete without Lola hovering over me hoping to get a little bite.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fractured Face

One minute I'm cruising through the trails at Salado Creek and the next minute I'm on the ground with blood gushing all over my face. I don't remember too much of what happened. My memory must of blocked out the traumatic crash. I can only remember what happened afterwards - me screaming and holding the left side of my face and Andy trying to get me to calm down. To make a long story short, I ended up at the ER the next day. They did CT scan of my face and found out I fractured my zygoma bone (not the cheekbone but the one below it). After that I came home and was in low spirits until Andy came to visit with a bunch of snacks! He brought all my favorite ice creams, yogurt, milk and calcium vitamins. We sat in my bed for several hours just goofing around and watching shows. He definitely knows how to make me feel better!

The next day I went to an oral surgeon and got a 3D X-ray of my mouth, he told me I was lucky and that I didn't fracture any teeth! I took off two days from work, so my swollen face wouldn't scare anybody.

All in all God took care of me and protected my teeth and my eyes. It could have been way worse and I'm so blessed to only have gotten a few cuts and no permanent facial damage. From now on I may lay off the mountain bike, but if I decide its time to get back on it I'll for sure use a full-face helmet.

Cruising and having a blast!
Not so much anymore. 
Feeling miserable at this point. 
Waiting to get the results.
Icing my face while I continue to wait. 
Back at home, feeling a bit better since I have ice cream!
First and last fracture.... I hope! 

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Valentine's '13 - Love is in the air!

Valentine's Day turned out to be a big surprise for me! Andy and I had decided not to do anything because we both had recently bought mountain bikes. But if you know anything about me, you'd know I'm a sucker for days like Valentines. I look for excuses to bake, write notes or think up some silly surprise, so I couldn't just do nothing! I guess Andy was on the same page as me because he surprised me with flowers being delivered to my cubicle at work. Then to top it off he got my a ring with Psalm 32:10 engraved on it. He was so proud he successfully kept both surprises a secret. It was kind of cute ;) I decided to create a very large framed collage out of Andy's cycling race competition numbers. We had a blast as we celebrated our third Valentines together eating sandwiches and hiking with Kennedy at Eisenhower park. I can't wait for more v-days to come!


Psalm32:10 "The Lord's unfailing love surronds the one who trust in Him."

We got free cookies at Which Wich because I drew hearts by our names!


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Friday, February 22, 2013

A bit about me.

This is me. A little silly, somewhat stylish and a whole lot of fun  (so i've been told)! 
In 2012, I graduated and moved, from Waco, back home to San Antonio. I live and work downtown, and slowly have started to become a city girl (not something I'm too thrilled about…I’ll explain more later). On a typical weekday, I walk or bike to work, come home for lunch and then go back to work until 4:30p.m. But it's not until the weekends that my life gets a little interesting and adventurous. I do anything from shopping to mountain biking to watching too many episodes of The Office. 

The name for my blog was inspired by a typical day in my life - a bit of cycling and exploring the city. I don’t get to do either of the two as much as I’d like, but when I do have time it is always an adventure! 

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