Monday, June 2, 2014

June Goals

I want to do a better job of setting little, achievable goals and then accomplish them! I have decided that the month of June will be a perfect time to start implementing this into my life.

For this month I want to focus of five things:

1.) I want to make a habit of doing some type of exercise or physical activity 6 days a week. This is something I kind of already do, but often times I get lazy and let a few days during the week slide. I think this will be a great way for me to keep my spirits up and feel satisfied with myself.

2.) I want to take time to listen to one interesting podcast a week. This is something I enjoy doing when I go on road trips, so why not try to learn more, more often? I am always doing housework, so the next time I am making dinner, washing dishes, doing laundry I will multi-task and listen while I work.

3.) I want to read one book a month! I love to read, but often times chose to do something else instead of read, just because it's easier or because I don't have a good book checked out.

4.) I want to blog at least once a week. This is so easy to do if I just set aside 30 minutes of my week. I truly enjoy looking back on my life when I read my blog posts, so making this a weekly habit will be so rewarding in the long run.

5.) I want to spend 20 minutes or so a day catching up with a friend. I have found it is much easier to pick up the phone a call a friend when it's only been a few days since you last spoke, than if it has been a few weeks. I want to keep up with friends and let them know I am there, so this is something easy I can do to make sure they know that.

There you have it! Five easy goals! Let's get started!