I've posted about Lola, but I haven't posted about my true love,
Kennedy. She is the sweetest, kindest, most intelligent dog that I know. She
means the world to Andy and I, and us three make up our own little
"family". She knows how to sit, shake, rollover and even do a sic'em!
Just kidding on that last one;)
A few weeks ago,
my dad was out of town so I decided to give Kennedy a bath in the master
bathtub. I figured since he bathes Lola in there I could do the same with
Kennedy. She was behaving so well I was able to let go of her to snap some
pictures. All the while I was taking pictures I was thinking that I felt like a
proud parent documenting their child’s first baths. I know…. that is kind of a silly
comparison; I’ll have to admit! She was just so cute I couldn't miss the moment. I
also had that thought that she matched the bathroom so perfectly. The black and
white fur with the black granite and the white tub, it was all so picture
Oh and did I mention she has like fifteen names, and responds to
every single one of them?! She’s the best!

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