This Christmas was unlike any other. For starters it was at my aunt and uncles house who live on the North side of town. Normally we do Christmas eve dinner at my grandma's house who lives in Alamo Heights. This was a much appreciated change because it meant I was able to split my time between my family and the Rafie's much more easily since we were on the same side of town. Another great thing that made this Christmas special was having all 16 cousins together at once. We haven't had that happen in years! Christmas day was exciting because we had two additions, Ercelia and Ashley, to our morning tradition of opening gifts and eating breakfast. It was refreshing to be around a ten-year-old who still believes in Santa. After breakfast with my family Andy picked me up and we went to his family's apartment to open gifts. It was a big change from last year's Christmas morning when we were in a huge home opening gifts. It was amazing to see how unfazed his family was despite the cramped situation. It was a great reminder to be content in all circumstances because we are so blessed and some family have much greater things to worry about.

What a year to be thankful for. So much has happened in this year, and I want to take a minute to sum up the highlights!
I celebrated my one year anniversary at my first official job!
I bought my very own brand new mountain bike!
I fractured my zygoma.... bone in my face.
I got engaged!
I went to the ER for the first time in my life.
I highlighted my hair for the very first time!
Andy and I got our first home!
I road tripped to Colorado with Andy and Kennedy!
Andy and I camped at Enchanted Rock with Kathryn and Phil!
I started a blog and have kept up with it for the most part!
Andy and I were featured on
Style Me Pretty!
Andy and I celebrated our three year anniversary!
We loaded two trailers full of furniture and moved out of State!
My BFF moved back to Texas!
The list of highlights could go on and on... I am grateful for so much. My family and my fiancee. My dog and my new huge backyard that kennedy can play in. My amazing group of old and new friends. I think 2013 was good, but 2014 has so much in store for me. I cannot wait to see what this new year will bring!
Ileana I'm so happy for you,I know you since you were probably 9-10years old and from far away I had watched you become such a responsible and well rounded person with a big heart.I'm happy that Andy is such a blessing in your life so is you wonderful family,I still have a gold heart box that you and your mom gave me on valentines day full of my favorite chocolate kisses,ha,ha,I think I shouldn't be eating too much of that today,I kept it because it was from your mom and it make remember how sweet you are since you were a little girl.Don't change and keep pressing forward in life.By the way are you moving from Texas???.I forgot to tell you I will be a grandma in March 6, how about that??? Ha,ha.Carinos a tu famila,cuidate,Isabel.