The Farmer's Market at the Pearl Brewery is somewhere I enjoy going on the weekends. I don't go as often as I would like, but when I do I am always entranced by the colors, smells and taste of it all. I love the idea behind the entire farmers market experience. Helping out the local farmer makes me happy. I like giving my money to the local guy instead of the big corporation whenever I can.
After taking a few photos and tasting a few things I met my dad at Arcade Midtown Kitchen, a restaurant at the Pearl Brewery. It is the coolest place to eat, and the food is good too! It may have been the cool plates, or the awesome looking bar, but something about this restaurant made me feel like I was in New York or Chicago.
So if reading this made you want to go to the Farmers Market be sure to invite me the next time you go! Not only am I good company, but I even know where you can buy the cutest shoes, or the best Italian soda!
This photo is for Allie. I told her I'd show her the cute Chi-O cookies! |
Then I saw this pillow too and had to take a picture to show Allie! |
The Pearl Brewery. |
I saw this light fixture on the first floor of the lofs at the Pearl Brewery, and I just loved it! It looks artsy, scientific and modern all at the same time. |
Best fan invention ever! This fan blows off so much air! It's so amazing and reminds me of the good 'ol days when I worked at TbarM camp. They have a fan just like this one! |
Beautiful butterfly in my favorite color. |
Lunch date with my dad! |
Who knew squash soup could be so delicious! |