Yesterday was Mother's Day! Our day was filled with lots of love and laughs. We started the day off bright and early with 8 a.m. church (we may or may not have been 30 minutes late....) with Andy's parents. After church, Andy, David and I went over to their house to open gifts and make breakfast together. We cooked up some pancakes, waffles, sausage and fruit salad. It was a really great meal! However, we didn't have much time to savor our food because we were hurrying to make it to a 12:15 movie. We quickly piled into my car and headed over to the theater for the matinee movie. The movie was not my favorite ( I don't care much for Will Farrell movies), but all of us being together was nice. After that Andy's mom and I went to a mother-daughter Pure Barre class while the guys took naps and got started on dinner. Once we got home from our workout, we wrapped the night up with some salad and spaghetti on the back patio. All in all, it was such an enjoyable day!

The best part of Mother's Day was seeing how excited Andy's mom got when she opened her presents. For almost a year she had been asking for photos from our weddings. We finally delivered on that request!!
See below for the cutest photos of her opening her gifts!